Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 10 Part 1

1)If 5th and 7th house from lagan and Moon are auspicious planet or aspected by auspicious planet or house lord is placed ownself then native will has good happiness of wife and children.

If 5th or 7th house has natural malific planet or aspected by natural malific planet or not associated with own house lord then native may be suffering regarding children and wife.

If natural malific planet is placed 4th, 8th or 12th from Venus or Venus in Paap madhya then loss of wife or lack of Marriage happiness is possible.

2)If 7th house lord is placed in 5th house then either loss of wife or loss of children is possible.

If 5th house lord in 7th or 8th house lord in 7th house then death of wife or lack of marriage happiness is possible.

If weak moon is placed in 5th house ( Amavasya) and Malefic planet in 1st, 7th and 12th house then native has lack of happiness of women and children.

If 7th house has Rahu and Sun then loss of wealth due to women is possible.

3)If 7th house has scorpion sign and Venus is placed in 7th house or

If 7th house has Taurus sign and Mercury in 7th house or

If Jupiter is debilitating in 7th house or

If Saturn in Pisces sign in 7th house or

If Mars in 7th house in Pisces sign then native wife may be short lifed or lack of marriage happiness is possible.

If 7th house has cancer sign and Saturn and Moon are placed in 7th house then wife will be good.

4)If 7th house or 7th house lord is associated with natural malefic planet or in Paap madhya or debilitating or combust or goes to enemy sign or occupied enemy planet then death or divorce or separation may be possible.

The wife of native may be sick if 5th, 7th or 9th house has Venus with natural malefic.

If Venus is placed in Mars or Saturn house or Navansh and Venus is aspected by Mars and Saturn then native may be involved in illegal relationship with another woman.

5)Mars or Saturn is placed in 7th from Venus and Moon then native may be either lack of happiness of wife or Children.

If 7th house has neutar planet planet then native may has devoid from happiness of wife.

If 11th house has two planet then Native has two wife.

If 7th house lord and Venus will be placed in duel or duel Navmasa then two wife will be possible.

The number of Planet is associated with 7th house lord and Venus will be indicating number of possible wife of Native.

6) Number of planet associated with 7th house is indicating number of possible wife of Native. The number of malific planet is indicating number of wife loss and number of benifical planet is indicating number of wife alive.

If 7th house lord is strong in strength and will be natural beneficial planet then Native’s wife has very good moral conduct and she will become mother of son.

If 7th house lord is natural malific and placed in 7th house or own house or exalate then also it is auspicious.

If 7th house has natural benifical planet other than lordship of 6th, 8th or 12th then it will bring comfort and happiness.

7) If 7th or 2nd house has natural malefic planet or aspected by natural malific planet then destruction of happiness of wife will be possible. Even aspected by malific planet is more harmful than placement.

If in female horoscope 7th and 8th house has natural malefic or aspected by natural malific then it may cause lack of happiness of husband.

If 7th and 2nd house is aspected by natural beneficial planet then it will bring fortune for both husband and wife.

8)If Moon and saturn in 7th house in a female horoscope then she will marry again( after 1st marriage).

If In male horoscope then native has lack of happiness from wife and children.

If 2nd, 7th or 8th house has debilitating or enemy planet then death or lack of happiness of partner is possible.

9)If lagan and 7th has even sign , 7th house lord and Venus in even sign and 5th house lord and 7th house lord is strong in strength without combustion then Native has happiness of wife and children.

10)If 2nd house lord, 7th house lord, 9th house lord is aspected by Jupiter and placed in Kendra or trine then Native has happiness of women and children.

If 2nd and 7th from 7th house lord auspicious planet then Native has happiness of women and children.

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