Astro Pankaj Seth

Impact Of Date Of Birth 22 Or Personality Number 22

Effect of Numerology on people born on 22nd day of any calendar month

1) Any person born on 22th day of any calendar month has personality number 22 and belongs to number 4. Number 22 is made from Number 2 and its total is 4. So, Number 22 has huge impact of Number 2 or Moon and Number 4 or Rahu. We can say power of double Moon will be finally transform to Rahu. Moon and Rahu is not friendly to each others so internal conflict in nature may possible.

Number 22 = 2 + 2 = 4

Moon + Moon = Rahu

internal power of double Moon = Converted into Power of Rahu

2) Native may has attractive personality and naturally attract others by own appearance. Native may be liberal and kind from nature. Native may be idealistic from nature. Native may be practical from nature. Native may be brave and energetic from nature.

3) Native may be emotional and sensitive from nature. Native may be jealous from nature. Native may be practical from nature. He can tackle many issues at same time. Native may be restless from mind. He may has good passions. Native may be mentally stable.

4)Native may be independent from nature. Native may be active from mind. He may be multi dynamic from nature. Native may be imaginative and creative from nature. He can work beyond his capacity. He can surprised others by own planning and ideas.

5)Native may be friendly and faithful from nature. Native has caring nature. Native may has good friends circle. Native may has encourage others to take responsibility of others. He may be diplomatic from nature. He may be interested in politics. He may try to avoid fighting.

6)Native may has materialistic approach towards life. Native may be powerful person in society. Native may has support from public. Native may be wandering from nature.

7) Native may be creating unnecessary hypocrisy in his life. His mind may be full with conflicts. He may be suffering from hidden fears. He may be easily comes under influence of negative thoughts. He may be suffering from mental stress. He may be suffering from depression. He may be suffering from loneliness. Native may be nervous from mind. He may has many sort of hidden enemies.

8) Native may be flirty & sensual from nature. He doesn’t has smooth family life. He has lack of happiness from kids. He may be always try to found own self in trap of social boundaries.

9) Native may getting success in politics, creative works based on imaginations, printing and drawings, computers, wheels related works, architure, contractor, designing, scientist, occults etc. Native may be getting success in profession related herbs, sea and sea related product, cattle and cattle product. He may getting success in travelling or travelling related profession. He may be success in work related to his natural talents. He may getting success in creative team work or social welfare work. He may be getting success in import and export business.

10) Native may be suffering from vata dosha. Native may easily comes under influence of season or climate change. He may be suffering from cold and cough related issues. He may be suffering from breathing issues. He may be suffering from lungs related issues. He may be suffering from gastric, body pain, or head pain. He may be suffering from blood related problem such as anemia. He may be suffering from mental problem.He may be suffering from kidney or bladder related issues. He may be suffering from heart issues. He may be suffering from hormonal issues.

11) His lucky number is 4 and favorable number will be 6 and 2. His lucky day will be Monday. His favorable day are Friday.

12) His lucky colour will be grey and electric blue. His lucky stone will be gomed and Moon stone.

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