Astro Pankaj Seth

Sun In First House For Aries Ascendant

Sun In First House For Aries Ascendant 

1)Before Knowing the effect of Sun in 1st house for Aries Ascendant we have to know about Sun and Aries sign. Sun is placed in Aries Ascendant and its first house so you may read Aries Ascendant and Sun in 1st house. For Aries Ascendant Sun is 5th house Lord and placed in 1st house and Aries sign so you may read 5th house lord in 1st house  and Sun in Aries sign.

2)Sun is excellent in Aries sign. Sun is 5th house lord for Aries Ascendant and functional benific for Aries Ascendant and placed in lagan in his excellent sign and auspicious house. So It is consider very good regarding native. 

3)Sun is 5th house lord and placed in 1st house so it is clear indication that native may gets help of previous life good deeds in this life. So Native may be fortunate man. He may gets success in his life through own efforts in easy ways. 

4) Sun is excellent in 1st house which makes native sattvic person who belives in rightness. He may be religious but his mentality is broad and modern.

5)Sun is karak of authority or government or boss and it is excellent and placed in 1st house so it is indicating native may gets benefits from government, authority or his boss. He may be fortunate regarding authority.

6)Sun in 1st house for Aries Ascendant indicating native may be average in height but looking tall. He may has reddish color and thin body. Native has good immunity and sound health because natural karak of health Sun is excellent and placed in 1st house. He has strong bones. He may has good aura or tej or charm on face. He has natural attraction so he may easily looks between crowds.

7)Sun is King and placed in excellent sign and at 1st house so its makes native King. Again Sun is 5th house (which belongs to mentality) lord and placed in 1st house (which belong to behavior or brain) so native behavior is just like King or boss. He is very independent. He doesn’t believe in pressurized but believe to pressure others. He may be royal and noble person. Apart from Sun is a fire element and placed in a firey rashi so its indicating native may has hot temper. He is very aggressive but intelligent. He is full with ego and self confidence. But his ego has proudness with good attitude. He may be very brave and courageous person.

8)Sun in Aries may cause Pittha dosh. So it may cause fever or hot body temperature. But native has sound health.

9)Sun in 1st house for Aries Ascendant makes native helpful in nature. But in same time he also capable to punish evil man. 

10)Sun in 1st house of Aries Ascendant makes native famous. He may be natural leader. He has good reputation. He may gets honours from authority. He has also good judgmental ability.

11)Sun in 1st house for Aries Ascendant indicating native has good children. His children may be fortunated . He may also has good relationship with his children.

12)Sun in 1st house for Aries Ascendant makes native rich and wealthy. He may has sound financial condition. He has good prosperity.

13)Sun in 1st house of Aries Ascendant indicating native may has good knowledge. He may be experts in ved, vedanga, sastra, astrology or such type of scared vidhya. Because Sun is own self a great Guru of Lord Hanuman. He may go to visiting famous religious place.

14)If you want to know more about Aries Ascendant you may read this link.

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