Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 2 Part 1

                  Chapter 2
                     Part 1
         Shlok 1 to Shlok 3

Shlok 1 — This shlok belong to different matters related to Sun. There is some difference between English meaning and original Sanskrit text. So I am giving some Sanskrit text which is well known in our culture.

Copper, gold, father, auspicious results (शुभ फल), soul (आत्मा), happiness (सौख्यं) or आत्मसौख्यं( happiness of soul), Pratam (प्रतापं)(meaning of this word is fame of a person which is glow without any catalysts or glory), passion ( धैर्य), gallantry ( शौर्य),victory (विजयं),board or committee (समिति), jobs of king( राजसेवं), lights ( प्रकाश), work related to lord Shiva, forest, mountain (गिरि),motion (गति), work related to fire rituals (होम कार्य), behavior (प्रवृति), place of God( देवस्थान), excitement regarding work( कार्य मे उत्साह) are related to Sun by wise man ( Sun as as  wise man related to all above matters).

Remarks — Sun related to government jobs, fame which is automatically gain due to own personality power, any matters related to happiness of inner soul(आत्मानंद), any type of board or committee or other authority.

Shlok 2—  This shlok is belong to moon’s matters.
Moon belongs to welfare of the mother (मातुः स्वस्ति),mental happiness ( मन प्रसाद , man means mind and prasad also means home so its may be related to your mind conditions), उदधि स्नानं( उदधि words meaning is a place which holds water such as sea, pounds and स्नानं ,means bathing so bathing with stored water.) White or bright like chowire(कौड़ी) , umbrella (छत्रं), good fanning (सुव्यजन, this word also may be related to मख्खन लगाना या चापलुसी करना) ,fruits(फलानि, this also means fruitful), polite(मृदुलं) , flowers, corn,
agriculture , fame(कीर्ति), pearls, silver, bell-metal ( कास्यं), silver, sweets(मधुर), milk(क्षीर) or milk related foods,  cloths, water (अम्बु)or products obtaining through water,  cows, obtaining through women(योषाप्तिं), good meals (सुखभोजन), happiness of body (तनसुखं) and beauty of face or body(रुप).

Remarks – moon related to krithi(कीर्ति) the type of fame which obtaining by without  any harsh way means due to his good acts or good karma.

Shlok 3 — This shlok belong to Mars natural significant.
Mars belongs to own strength, fruits of Earth or products related to earth (भूफलं), the qualities of his brothers or sisters (सहोदरगुणं), cruelty(क्रौर्य), battle(रण), daring act(साहसं),enmity (विद्वेष), kitchen fire (महानस अग्नि), gold, kindred,
weapon(अस्त्र), thieves(चोरं), enemies, energetic (उत्साह), Sexual attachment with others women(परकामिनीरति), speaking falsely (असत्योक्तिम्), prowess, mental dignity or Proudness (चित्तसमुन्नतिं)(मानसिक अंहकार या मनबढुं), sinful (कुलुषं), commander in chief of army (सेनाधिपत्यं), and wounds or cuts(क्षतम).

Remarks– Mars also related to kaamvasna of native. Fruits of Earth may be real estate, mines, minerals. Mars is also belong to your mental strength which may be converted to your physical strength.

If you want to know about regarding different planet natural significant then also read this link.

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