Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 17 Part 4

Phaldipika Chapter 17 part 4  

1)Find the weakest navansh sign from below

a) add of latitude of lagnesh and 8th house lord in D1chart

b) add of latitude of 8th house lord and lagan lord in moon chart

c) add of latitude of 8th house lord in D3 Chart in D1 and D9 chart

d) Gulik navansh sign of moon

weakest among above may cause death when saturn transit to trine (1st,5th, 9th) from above navansh sign.

2) See the navansh sign of lagnesh and take the number of sign( Counted from Aries). Now look where 8th house lord is placed, count forward to the number exactly with navansh sign of lagnesh. When saturn transit to that sign death is possible. This is assumed by various astrologer.

3) At the time of death mostly moon transit to below sign,

d3 lagan sign or trine ,

22nd drekkna sign from moon or trine,

lagan or 6th,8th, 12th from lagan

4) Death is possible when Sun transit over natal 8th house lord and moon transit over natal sun or moon transit to nakshtra where 8th house lord is placed.

5) If native is born in day time then death is possible when saturn transit 7th from Gulika.

If native born in night then death is possible when saturn transit to trine from Gulika.

6) Add longitude of jupiter and rahu, when jupiter transit to that sign or trine then death is possible.

7) When saturn transit over natal 22nd drekkna lord , death is possible.

When Saturn transit to navansh sign of 8th house lord.

8) Death is possible when saturn transit to natal saturn or navansh sign of saturn or trine from above.

when saturn transit to natal 8th house lord from moon either rashi chart or navansh chart or trine from above then death is possible.

9) If native is born in night time then death is possible when saturn transit over natal moon, or natal gulik or their navmasa.

If native is born in day time then death is possible when saturn transit over natal Sun or trine from natal Sun.

10) Find out how far Mandi is from the lord of the 8th house. When
Saturn in the course of his transit arrives at the sign so far forward from Mandi, death may be possible.

11) When Sun transit from 6th, 8th or 12th from natal venus then death is possible. If death of year is known by any other method then use this to know death of month.

12) When ever Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, and Moon, all in same time transit over natal 8th house lord, 6th house lord, 12th house lord, gulika and 8th house lord of d3 chart then death is possible.

Finished upto Shlok number 28.

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