Astro Pankaj Seth

Saturn Astakvarga And Simple Sutra

Saturn Astakvarga And Simple Sutra 

Inauspicious Year For Native 

1)Add Rekha in Saturn Ashtakvarga from Saturn to lagan(excluding lagan) 

2)Add Rekha in Saturn Ashtakvarga from lagan to Saturn (excluding Saturn) 

3)Add both 1st and 2nd 

All those 3 year equal to Sum is considered inauspicious regarding health, wealth , kids, life span to the native.

Inauspicious Month for Native 

When Sun transit to a sign​ in which Saturn has minimum astakvarga rekha in Saturn Astakvarga, that month will be not good regarding health, success etc. 

Inauspicious Lagan rising on daily basis 

Native may be facing obstacles in daily basis on those period of hour when sign in which has least rekha in Saturn Ashtakvarga will be rising in eastern horizon. 

Inauspicious Year For Native regarding Gulika in Saturn Ashtakvarga 

1)Add rekha in Saturn Ashtakvarga from sign where Gulika is placed to lagan(excluding lagan)

2)Add rekha in Saturn Ashtakvarga from lagan to Gulika (excluding lagan)

3) Add both 

Those 3 year equivalent to Sum of all three is not consider good for native. 

Note: Only apply when There is no auspicious planet in lagan. 

Inauspicious Year For Native regarding Rahu in Sun astakvarga 

1)Add Rekha in sign from Rahu to lagan(excluding lagan) in Saturn Ashtakvarga 

2)Add Rekha in sign from lagan to Rahu (excluding lagan) in Saturn Ashtakvarga

3) Add both sum 

All 3 year equivalent to Sum is not considered regarding happiness, health and dangerous from poison for Native.

Danger of death 

When Saturn transit to a sign where no rekha in his astakvarga that period is not consider good regarding life span. It may also possible native may be suffering from huge loss of wealth or sorrows such like death.

Saturn transit over a sign where least rekha in his astakvarga then that period may be not good for health, wealth and genral happiness.

Auspicious Time For Native 

When Saturn transit over a sign in which Saturn has more than 4 rekha that period is auspicious for native regarding his professional life, hairing servants, agriculture work or labourious works, etc.
Effect of Saturn Rekha in different houses 

1) Saturn placed in lagan and no rekha of Saturn in his astakvarga then native may be suffering from health issues and may be early death is possible. It may also cause suffering from proverty or sorrows in all life.

2) Saturn in lagan or 4th house with 4 rekha (but not in excellent or own house) then Native will be fortunated regarding materialistic happiness but may be not long lived or not good health.

3) Saturn with Moon in lagan with 5 or more than 5 rekha then native will be equal to king in power and position.

4)If Saturn in lagan with 5 or more rekha then native will be suffering from all sorts of worries, financial problems etc from early age of his birth. But Saturn must be strong in Strength.

5) Saturn with more than 4 rekha is placed in enemy house or debilating sign and Moon is placed in auspicious navmasa then native will be long lived.

6) Saturn is placed in enemy sign or debilitating sign or combust with 4 or 5 rekha in lagan or 5th house then native has good Comfort of servants, cattles, vehicle and wealth.

7)Saturn in kendra or excellation with 1 to 4 rekha then native may be short lived or suffering from health problems.

8)Saturn in lagan with more than 4 rekha in his debilating or inimical sign Native will be long lived.

9)Saturn in lagan or 5th house with more than 4 rekha but Saturn in debilating navmasa then native will be suffering from problems regarding voice or speaking ability or thorot related problems or problems regarding financial condition.

10)Saturn in debilating sign but navmasa sign Saturn in excellent or own house and Saturn has more than 4 rekha then native will be long lived and wealty.

11)Saturn in kendra or trine in own house or own navmasa with 1 to 3 rekha then he has many sources of income.

12) Saturn being lord of 9th or 10th has 1 to 3 rekha and placed in 3rd, 6th, or 11th house then native will be equal to king.

13) Saturn has 2 or 3 rekha and placed in 2nd house or associated with 2nd house lord then native may be frequently visited shrine.

14)Saturn is placed in 2nd house and 2nd house lord is weak in strength then native may be earn through sinful acts.

15) Saturn in placed in 10th house with 2 or 3 rekha and associates with 10th house lord then native will be goes to foreign place.

16)When Saturn has 1 to 3 rekha it may possible his death may be out of his native town.

17)When Mars has 1 rekha in his debilating sign and associated with Saturn then he will getting some time sorrows or some time happiness or mixed results.

18) Saturn in his debilating sign and Mars in his excellation Sign and both has 4 rekha and 8th house lord is placed in his inimical sign then native will be suffering from Vatta related disease such as gastric or rheumatic and financial crisis.

19)If 8th house lord is well placed and 8th from lagan or Saturn is occupied by natural beneficial planet then native will has good happiness, bed pleasure, happiness through wife. If 8th house lord is very strong then he will be very rich and reputed person.

20) Saturn in lagan or 12th house in own house with 4 rekha and malific in trine house, native may be dependent on others for his foods.

21) Saturn is Lagnesh or 8th lord and combust and placed in lagan or trine native will be suffering from sorrows.

22)8th house lord from lagan or Saturn is combust or placed in inimical Sign and no benificial planet is aspects then he will be suffering from financial crisis whole life.

23)If Saturn is transit over a sign where Saturn has 8 rekha then Native will be leader or ruller of town or village. He may be become scholar of occults sign and mantra.

24)If Saturn transit over a sign where Saturn has 7 rekha he will be rich and wealthy.

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