Astro Pankaj Seth

Mercury Astakvarga And Simple Sutra

Best Time To Starting Education 

1)When Sun transit to a sign where Mercury is maximum rekha in Mercury astakvarga then native may gets good education without any obstacles.

2)When Mercury is transit over a sign where Mercury has more than 4 rekha and during transit Mercury is aspected by benificial planet that period is very good regarding starting education or new learning. Sage suggested in this period even person with low intelligency will be getting good education.

Auspicious Direction for reading, workship lord Vishnu, established playground, and doing arguments in court

Add Astakvarga rekha of Mercury in each direction sign which direction has maximum Astakvarga rekha that direction will be good for above matters.
Some Simple facts about Mercury 

1) Mercury is Karak of speech so 2nd house from Mercury has great impact on speech.

2) Mercury is Karak of intelligency so 5th from Mercury is belong to intelligency, mantra, writing, learning, and spirituality.

3) Mercury is Karak of happiness so 4th from Mercury is belong to family, wealth, children, and happiness.
Auspicious Time 

1)Add Rekha from Mercury to Lagan 

2)Add Rekha from Lagan to Mercury

3)Add both Rekha  

The year equivalent to above 3 is considered auspicious for happiness, Children, wealth etc.
Mercury And Speech 

1)If 2nd house from Mercury has 0 or 1 rekha then native has problems regarding express him self. He may has problems in speaking. If Mercury condition is not good then native may has loss of speech.

2)If 2nd house from Mercury has 2 or 3 rekha then native may be talkative or fickel in speaking.

3)If 2nd house from Mercury has 4 rekha then native will honoured other words.

4)If 2nd house from Mercury has 5 to 6 rekha then native will be polite in speaking, logical and justice lover person.

5)If 2nd house from Mercury has 7 rekha then native may be writer or poet. 

6)If 2nd house from Mercury has 8 Rekha then native will be very clever in speaking. His voice is dear to all. No one defeat him in speaking.

7)If 2nd from Mercury or lagan has no rekha then he will never able to express his thoughts.

Mercury Rekha and Bhav 

1) Mercury has 8 rekha and placed in Center or trine than native will be getting good success or benifits from this family business, Knowledge, learnings and arts

2) Mercury in trine or kendra having more than 5 Rekha and Mercury is associated with Jupiter or Saturn then he will be well versed in veds or traditional scripts.

3) Mercury with Jupiter and aspects or associated with Mars then native will be great logician when Mercury has 5 Rekha.

4) Mercury with 1 to 3 rekha and Mercury is placed in own sign or excellation sign in kendra and trine then Mercury will not be harmful for that bhav. (Note this )

5) Mercury in excellent sign having 1 to 3 rekha then bhav will be improved.

6) Mercury in debilitating sign, combust, or enemy sign and having more than 4 rekha then bhav will improve.

7) Mercury in debilitating sign, combust, or enemy sign and having less than 4 rekha then bhav will give negative significant.

8) Mercury is placed in 6th or 8 house and not aspects by benificial planet and Mercury has 1 to 3 rekha then he will be crooked in out look  or hypocrite in behavior.

9) Mercury in 6th, 8th and 12th house with 1 to 3 rekha then native will be gambler in nature.

10) Mercury with Venus having 1 to 3 rekha in 6th, 8th, or 12th house house then native may be uneducated or facing obstacles in education. He may also suffering from financial crisis.

11) Mercury with 4 rekha and placed in Mars sign and navmasa of Venus then he may facing obstacles in education.

12)The sign where ketu is placed has 3 rekha in Mercury astakvarga and Ketu is placed in 5th house from Mercury or ketu is associated with 5th house lord then native will be expert in astrology and allied subjects.

13) Mercury is associated with malific planet and debilating in navmasa and Mercury has only 4 Rekha then native will be dancer, musician, drama performers, or artician.

14) Mercury has 1 to 3 rekha and placed in Gemini navmasa then bhav will not able to give effect.

15)If sign lord of Mercury is placed in trine or center from lagan with good astakvarga point then native will has good name and fame for his intelligencey.

16)When Mercury is transit over a sign where mercury has no rekha that time period is not good for taking any intellectual action. Native may facing lack of intelligency.

17) Mercury is placed in 6th from Saturn and Mercury has 5 Rekha. And same time Jupiter is placed 2nd from lagan then native will be Astrologer.

18)When Saturn is transit over a sign where Mercury has no rekha then that period native will loss Wealth, friends, relatives and maternal family members.

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