Astro Pankaj Seth

Mars Astakvarga And Simple Sutra

Power And Position 

1)Mars in own sign/excellention has 8 rekha and placed in 1st house/4th house/9th house/10th house then native will be millionaire or having huge money.

2)Mars in Lagan in Aries/ Leo /Scorpion/ Sagittarius/Capricorn Sign and having 4 rekha then he will be just like King.

3)Mars in 10th house with 8 rekha then Native has very good property.

4)Mars in Lagan with 8 rekha then he has huge property. If in above case native is born in royal family then he will be ruler of his country.

5)Mars in own sign or excellention with 8 rekha and placed in Lagan or 10th house then he will be king.

6)When ever Mars transit to a sign which has 8 rekha or highest Rekha then person may obtaining or purchase gold, property or other immovable property. He may also get good power and position for temporary time. 

But if Natal Mars has 8 rekha then it will be for long term.

7)Mars has 8 rekha in 2nd house he will be head of government.

8)Mars has more than 4 rekha and placed with own sign or excellention and Mars with Moon then he will be wealthy.

9)Mars in 2nd house lord and placed in 6th house and Mars has 6 rekha then native has all sorts of materialistic happiness. But he will be always surrounding with enemies.

10)Mars has 4 rekha and placed in Lagan or 5th house or Kendra then he will be head of his town.

11)Mars has more than 4 rekha and Mars is associated with Moon then he becomes head of 2 or 3 town.

12)Mars has 4 rekha in 10th house and Mars is aspects by Saturn then he will be in head of army.

If in above combination Mars in own sign then he will be higher post in army.

13)Mars in own house or excellention with 4 rekha and placed in 4th house and aspects by Saturn then he will Chief of army or royal person or great traders.

Dangerous time for Native 

1)Add rekha of Mars to lagan in his astakvarga, the year equal to Sum of this may be dangerous for native.

2)Add Rekha of Lagan to Mars in Mars Astakvarga, the year equal to Sum of this may be dangerous for native.

3) Year equal to Sum of above may be dangerous for native.

4)Add Mars to lagan rekha in Mars Astakvarga. 

Then multiply by 7.

Now divide by 27.

Note the quotient and remaining. 

Native may facing dangerous in  year equal to quotient and remaining.

Auspicious or inauspicious time to purchase a land 

When Mars transit to a sign which has highest rekha in his astakvarga that month will be auspicious for purchase property.

When Mars transit to a sign which has lowest number of rekha in his astakvarga that month will be inauspicious for purchase of property. If Mars has 0 rekha in that month then native doesn’t buy property in that months.

Auspicious direction for established kitchen 

Note the sign which has highest rekha in astakvarga of Mars that direction is auspicious for established kitchen.

Auspicious direction for workship lord hanuman or Kartikey 

1)Add Mars rekha in Mars Astakvarga of each direction separately, which direction has more rekha that direction is auspicious for native regarding workship of lord hanuman or Kartikey.

East direction sign are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

South direction sign Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

West direction sign Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

South direction sign Cancer, Scorpion, Pisces.

Mars Astakvarga And Siblings 

1)If Natal Mars is weak in strength then his brother will be happy.

If Natal Mars is strong in Strength then native will be happy.

2)Number of Rekha in sign 3rd from Mars in his astakvarga is indicating number of Siblings of Native.

Rekha given by Male planet is indicating brother.

Rekha given by female planet is indicating sister.

But actually survive siblings number is obtaining after reducing rekha given by debilating and inimical planet.

3) Number of siblings may also equal to rekha in 3rd from Mars and rekha in sign where 3rd house lord is placed.

4)Some author is also suggested number of Siblings is equal to Natal Mars rekha in Mars Astakvarga.

5) Native has good number of Siblings if Mars is placed in 3rd house has more than 4 rekha and aspects by Beneficial planet.

Mars Astakvarga and Evil for Siblings 

1)Mars has 6 rekha and placed in 6th, 8th, 12th house in his debilating sign or ast or joining waxing Moon then native has no brother.

2)If Mars or Saturn has 1 to 3 bindu and placed in 3rd from lagan then abortion of mother or loss of siblings may be possible.

If 3rd house lord is placed in odd sign then loss of brother may be possible.

If 3rd house lord is placed in even sign then loss of sister may be possible.

3) Native will loss his brother if Mars has 0 rekha and it is conjucted with 7th house lord which is either debilating or combust or associated with malific planet.

4) Native will loss his brother if Mars and Saturn is placed in lagna and both have 1 to 3 rekha.

5) Native will loss his brother if Mars and Saturn is placed 6th- 8th or 8th- 6th to each other and both having 1 to 3 rekha.

6)If Mars is placed 8th from Saturn and malific planet in 3rd from lagan and both Mars and malific planet has 1 to 3 bindu then loss of brother may be possible.

Combination For adopted Son 

Native will be adopted son if Mars in Lagan or 8th house or Moon lagan or with lagan lord or in 10th house or in 9th house and Mars has 0 rekha or 1 rekha and Mars with debilating or inimical planet.

Combination For Provety 

Mars having 1 to 3 rekha and associated with Mercury , Native may be suffering from sorrows and financial crises.

Lagan , Saturn and Mars Astakvarga rekha 

1) Lagan has movable sign and Saturn in dual sign with 1 to 3 rekha, loss of siblings may be possible.

2)Lagan has duel sign and Saturn in movable sign with 1 to 3 rekha , loss of siblings may be possible.

3)Lagan has fixed sign , Mars or Saturn has 1 to 3 rekha , loss of siblings may be possible.

4) Lagan is movable sign, Sa has 5 rekha, he will be rich and wealthy. He is endowed with brother.

5) Lagan is fixed , Saturn in 5th house with 4 rekha, native will be long-lived, rich and wealthy. He has good comfort of brothers.

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